My Top 10 Must-Have Mom Apps

During Chloe’s dance class the other day, I looked around and noticed one thing that every one of us mom’s had in common: our iPhones. We all had different models and cases, but it’s our all-in-one phone/calendar/messaging/entertainment/soother device. I think it’s hilarious how we are all always asking each other “oh, what app is that?”.

Here are my top-10 must-have Mom Apps (I’ll cover Toddler Apps later):

  1. Camera+ $1.99 – This is my most-used app. I’m an obsessive, chronic over-photographer. This app takes better photos, gives me more control, and lets me rapid-shoot to make sure I get *the* shot. Then, I can later save the shot that best captures the moment, clearing up my precious space for other photos & videos. I wish I could load it from the initial wake screen like the built-in camera app & I wish it did videos. Maybe soon!
  2. Artkive Free – I’m getting more use out of this one now that the girls are in pre-school and have “artwork” to bring home. I melt for the stuff, but let’s face it, it’s going to get damaged, torn apart, and shoved into a container in the attic. Before it meets that fate, I can snap a photo and Archive it in the App, then later order a clean, neat photobook. I take the photos outside in the shade of the porch for the best lighting using the Camera+ app so I can get the best composition and crop before loading it into Artkive.
  3. ShopStyle Free – A new guilty pleasure of mine that lets me set up sale alerts for items I’d love to buy for myself or my kids that are more than I *should* spend. That $50 toddler dress is way more reasonable when it hits the clearance section. It’s great for those “I’d buy it if it was on sale” items.
  4. Red Stamp Free – Create invites, cards & announcements right from your iPhone (maybe during dance class?). It’s been great for us to text/email quick little thank you notes & invites with pictures of the two cutest girls I know. I haven’t used this app to its full potential yet as you can actually send cards & invites through postal mail with this app.
  5. Baby Grow $2.99 – This is meant for babies, but I’ve continued to use it into the baby years. Each doctor’s appointment, I’ve input the “official” height & weight. It gives accurate percentages for both the CDC & WHO and plots growth onto a pretty growth chart. You can export the growth charts which is perfect for baby books!
  6. PostalPix Free – I use this for our Instagram gallery wall. You can order high-quality prints right from your phone and they end up on right in your postal mailbox. How lazy easy is that? They have a 5 x 5 print option, perfect for our $5 Michael’s frames. I have Instagram set to download to an Instagram album. Before I download & clear off my phone every few months, I use PostalPix to order my favorite. When the prints arrive, I rotate a few new ones into our gallery.
  7. Instagram Free – That, of course, brings me to Instagram. What started out as a quick way to make artsy versions of cute kid photos has become my new favorite way to keep up with some of my favorite kiddos (oh, yeah, and their parents). It took me a while, but I’m finally following and sharing with friends the way it was designed and I’m loving it.
  8. Weather Underground Free – It’s much more predictable than the built-in weather app and even the app. Gotta know if Friday’s playdate will be at the splash pad or storystorytimetime.
  9. Reminders – That’s right, the built-in Apple app. It’s great for to-do lists and I can share my Grocery list with Jason via iCloud so he can pick things up for me on his way home. Here’s a link on how to set that up.
  10. iMovie $4.99 – I love being able to cut that crying fit out of the end of my videos before sharing with family & friends. That, and splicing a few short, separate videos together into one longer one.

What’s your go-to, must-used mom app?




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