Quicky Wine Rack Organizational Solution To Clear The Counters

We still have a lot on the wish list for the kitchen… in the meantime we found a quick solution to help the kitchen look more tidy.

It’s basically the holy grail of housekeeping for me when the kitchen counters are completely cleared.  It’s a mini-goal each day to have the counters cleared by the end of the day which is especially a challenge on days when I’m home with the girls all day.

We never quite knew what to do with wine bottles.  Our home didn’t have a wine rack and the rack we used in our previous pantry didn’t fit right in our new kitchen.  We have a wine cooler in the laundry room of all places, but keep it extra cool for white wines (my favorite).  I’ve heard that the optimal temperature for red wines is 5-60 degrees (depending on the source), but my husband prefers his at room temperature.

So, they wound up on the kitchen counter.  Ugh.

But one day, I was over in that corner of the kitchen and looked up and to the left.  What did I find?  Un-utilized space on the side of the cabinet!  I’ve considered hanging curtains, but prefer the clean look of just the shutters for now, plus we do open them up from time to time and curtains would get in the way.  I just had to find a way to hang the wine on the side of the cabinet.

Then I found this perfect wine rack on Amazon.com (affiliate link).  It fit perfectly in our little space on the side of our cabinet and should work in most similar spaces.  If you want to hand one in a pantry, they are even connectable so you can create a 12 or 18 bottle rack easily.  Since we aren’t heave wine drinkers and have a wine fridge for whites, the 6-bottle rack was perfect for us.  We even happened to have 6 unopened bottles at the time.

It was super easy to install.  Since I was mounting it onto a cabinet and not into a wall stud, the screws were too long, but we had the correct size handy in the garage so we were able to put them right up.  Sorry for the nighttime photos, we were super excited and hung this as soon as the girls were in bed and before the Amazon box, freshly off the UPS truck, had even had time to cool (yep, it’s summer in Texas!).

I love how the wine bottles tuck perfectly into this space.  I’m still looking for a better home for our Soda Stream (affiliate link), but since it’s white it blends into the new backslash beautifully.

From a distance, they are barely even noticeable.  Now we have some celebrating to do for our newly-found wine storage solution!

Do you have a creative or stylish wine storage solution at your home?  We have a new feature where you can upload a photo to the comment section below and show off your handiwork!


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