Family Christmas Photos Gone Fabulously Wrong – Submit Yours!

We just got back from Disney World, whoo-hoo!  We attempted some sweet family photos at the Grand Floridian Resort (oh, so beautiful!).  With a 2-year-old in tow, this Hallmark moment quickly turned into a Terrible-Two’s moment.  So completely classic.  You know you’re the parent of a toddler when the photographer asks “should I wait a minute” and we, in unison, respond “naw, just shoot”.  She wanted Mac and Cheese and she wanted it now, at all cost.  We did not have the opportunity to re-shoot this.

It reminded me of some other classic moments we’ve had (and these don’t even include our Santa pictures).  We may be starting a bit of a tradition!

Last year we attempted an “ugly Christmas sweater” photo, but I don’t think we needed it up enough because most people commented on how cute we were.  My pants were covering my belly button and my husband combed his hair.  This is normal?

Two years ago, we tried our hand at this shot, unassisted.  It was a mess.  I ended up setting the camera on the floor on a mini-tripod with a timer.  I tried to get all four of us in the photo, but that was hilarious without assistance.  Eventually, we would up with 3 photos that I pasted together in photoshop which I was able to do because the tripod held everything in the same place.  In the background, there’s a photo of us parents (not really tied up, mmmmk?).  The next layer is a photo of Chloe who refused to cooperate except for this one photo.  It’s literally the only one I managed to snap of her.  In the foreground, Miss Cora playing with the lights is another separate photo.  When at first you can’t succeed, cut and paste together!  This is not the first time we’ve used this trick.  We’ve also used it before when we wanted pets in a photo and they may actually be more ridiculous than children when it comes to photographs.

Do you have any hilarious Christmas Photos?  Post yours in the comments below!

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