The End To Glitter Shedding Shoes

So, I’m a bit of a shoe gal.  It’s no secret.  In fact, there have been several DIY shoe posts here on remodelicious.  I don’t just mean any shoes.  Like most things, I go for quality over quantity (although I’ve amassed quite a collection over years despite selling/trading those I don’t LOVE).

I’m a sucker for a bargain so when these pink patent Louboutins were about to be sold for next to nothing on eBay, I swooped them up.  The catch?  They had damage on the back and on one heel that was not easily repaired.  That didn’t bother me, though, I bought them with the intention of a DIY project.

I considered a Swarovski crystal version like I’d done before (like my Little Miss Sunshines or my blinged-out nude VPs), but have always wanted a pair of glitter shoes.  A midnight blue pair had alluded me TWICE.

So this happened, and here’s the result…

Gorgeous, yes?  Seriously stunning.  One problem, glitter shedding.  And it never stopped.  I love my cars nearly as much as my shoes.  It’s not okay to get glitter in my car.

Then I was spending too much time at Michael’s and noticed this.  Glitter Mod Podge.  That can have nearly a million uses in my home, but I immediately thought of my pink glitter Louboutins.  Could a layer of Mod Podge get control of the glitter when clear spray paint did not?  Worth a shot.  I doubly it’s any different from regular Mod Podge except with glitter in it, but I liked the idea of adding a bit more sparkle.  That’s right, my glitter shoes aren’t sparkly enough next to my trifecta of Swarovsky Louboutins.

Photos don’t capture it well, but you can barely make-out bits of glitter in there.  It’s AB (aura borealis) glitter so lots of interesting colors.

I brushed it right on top of the glitter as smoothly as I could.

And here is the result!  The glitter is now truly stuck down.  Why didn’t I think of this before?  Hope it holds up.  They are certainly more sparkly now.

The photos don’t capture the sparkly well, so here’s a video.  There is even more sparkly outside in natural light.  The layered glitter makes for a beautiful effect.

Moral of the story?  Yay for shoes and yay for Mod-Podge!  Or… don’t give up when a project doesn’t come out as planned, there is usually a solution to fix it!

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